We support the start up phase, mergers and acquisitons and integration processes of knowledge intensive organizations with a consistent business plan for intellectual capital covering the strategy, intangible ressources, processes and results:
- In the start up or the buying phase, we help to identify the inventory of intangible assets in both, the target and the acquiring company and to assess its match to the strategic objectives.
- We contribute to develop and to refine the new business model based on intangible assets in order promote and to accelerate the change process.
- In the integration phase we help to transfer insights to each other as well as into the involved organizations in order to leverage so far untapped resources.
- Finally, we improve internal as well as external communication. Because it is not enough to own the invisible assets. We have to utilize them and this means to transfer intangibles to the market.
Intangible Assets constitute up to 80% of an organizations value. But only a small minority of methods specifically focuses on the utilization and nurturing of Intangibles.
- For investors, this helps to complement existing value with acquired value.
- For the existing staff, we give new perspectives and opportunities how to contribute to a new and more thriving enterprise.
- For future customers, we generate higher value by better serving their real needs – based on fist hand knowledge and understanding of these needs.
Please contact us at – we would be proud to support you.