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Intangible Assets Consulting GmbH provides the following services for you:

  • Planning and implementation of organizational development projects.
  • Planning, implementation and follow-up of complex intellectual capital statement projects.
  • Training on the topics of intellectual capital in corporate management, systems thinking and organizational learning in the form of interactive workshops or individual one-on-one coaching sessions.
  • Consulting and support of strategy projects.

An overview of the services of Intangible Assets Consulting GmbH can be found in this FLYER_IAC.

Intellectual Capital Statements

Intellectual Capital Reporting

Intellectual Capital Reporting is a method to identify, evaluate and control intangible success factors in an organization and to communicate them externally.

Benefits are the clarification of the following questions:

  • What exactly (which intangible factors) makes an organization/system successful?
  • How do the individual actors understand these factors?
  • Can all actors develop a common understanding?
  • How exactly are these factors related to the (common) strategic goals?
  • What is the status quo relative to the strategically necessary level?
  • What (of the many options) needs to be done to make up for any shortfalls?
  • What indicators can be used to measure the success of actions and changes in intellectual capital?
  • How can these results be communicated to different internal and external stakeholders in a targeted way?

More information about the method can be found here.

Typical feedback from participants in our intellectual capital statement workshops include:

  • I am totally inspired by the intellectual capital statement! The pictures fit our organization exactly.
  • I was allowed to contribute to the process as an external participant. That is something special.
  • I was able to look beyond my small plate and now get to know the organization much better.
  • We are securing our future with this project!
  • The results are an excellent reflection of our organization.
  • We have listed many good approaches – now it is up to the management to continue.
  • The open exchange is especially great – it promotes trust among each other and improves further cooperation.


Intellectual capital reports are generally prepared by external moderators. In cooperation with the Intellectual Capital Statement Working Group BVWB and the Fraunhofer Academy, we offer a three-stage training program to become a „certified intellectual capital statement moderator“.